Tuesday, February 28, 2006

In the late 1990's Billy Graham spoke to 10,000 itinerate evangelists in Amsterdam. In his final address to them to called for them to possess a holy determination to reach the world for Jesus...

"Let us light a fire of renewed faith to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, to the ends of the earth. Using every resource at our command and with every ounce of our strength. Let us light a fire in this generation that, by God's grace, will never be put out. Let us light a fire that will guide men and women into tomorrow and eternity. Let the Light of the world shine through the whole earth until he comes again."

Our neighborhood, our family, our friends, our enemies, our city, our nation and the world needs Jesus. Let us pray hard that we will both be a fire and lighters of fires for Jesus.

For His Glory!


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