Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Personal Revivals

Good Morning.

God will send revival to individuals before he sends revival to churches and communities. According to Brian Edwards: "There has always been personal revival before public revival in those whom God uses. This personal revival may take many forms, but it always has the same effect: to convince of the greatness and glory of God" (Revival!, pg. 54).

Howel Harris was used by God during the awakening across Wales. On June 18, 1735, he met with God: "I felt suddenly my heart melting within in me like wax before the fire with love to God my Saviour; and also felt not only love, peace, etc. but longing to be dissolved, and to be with Christ; then was a cry in my inmost soul, which I was totally unacquainted with before, Abba Father! Abba Father! I could not help calling God my Father..." (pg. 54)

Before revival comes to America, it will first occur in the lives of people praying and longing for it.

1 comment:

Bryan Galloway said...

Amen Joshua!