Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Church Before Revival

Good Morning.

It is raining and snowing in Omaha this morning. We need the moisture. The American church also needs a fresh rain from heaven as well. Brian Edwards in his book, Revival! A People Saturated With God describes what occurs before, during and after revival. For example, what is the condition of the church before a revival? According to Edwards:

"Outwardly there may be many good things in churches today, but beneath it all is the rottenness of worldliness, carelessness, a lack of deep commitment and a triviality about holy things. Our churches are divided and quarrelsome; our leaders are proud of their reputations and hard-working to build their own empires. Generally speaking, Christians think and behave like the world and are afraid to act differently... Of course, some churches are growing and some sinners are being converted, but by and large we have become expert at simply shuffling the pack as dissatisfied or grumbling Christians move from church to church" (pg. 37).

Ouch! Are we ripe for revival? It appears so. Let us seek God's face.

For Jesus Alone! Have a wonderful day.


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