Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The BGC Response to Hurricane Katrina

I just pulled this off the Baptist General Conference web-page (
Besides our prayers, the victims of Hurricane Katrina need our resources.

Posted: 8/31/05 | HOMEPAGE | WORLD RELIEF


BWAid Responds to Hurricane Katrina Devastation
August 31, 2005

Dear Pastor:

On August 29 Hurricane Katrina devastated the coastal region of Mississippi, killing more than 50 in Harrison County alone. Breached levees in New Orleans resulted in massive flooding. Mayor Ray Nagin said, "The city of New Orleans is in a state of devastation. We probably have 80 percent of our city under water, with some sections as deep as 20 feet." Suburbs were also hard hit, with one reporting 40,000 homes under water.

A number of churches and individuals have called the BGC asking how they can contribute to relief efforts for victims of Katrina, which struck Gulf Coast Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

The BGC will forward funds to Baptist World Aid and National Association of Evangelicals World Relief, our two primary partners in world relief. Both work through Baptist/evangelical churches and conferences to bring immediate disaster response, with a gospel witness.

Baptist teams from North Carolina and Virginia have already sent teams to provide meals and water, as well as crisis care counselors and water purification units. Other Baptist groups are heading for the affected areas. NAE World Relief is working with evangelical churches to provide assistance on a need basis, including clearing debris and clean-up equipment.

The BGC has forwarded an initial $5,000 to BWAid and NAE World Relief for these efforts. If your church wishes to participate in this effort, make your check payable to BGC World Relief and mark it for "Hurricane Katrina Relief" (project number 605026).

Ray Swatkowski, executive vice president

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