I just finished reading the article below by Jill Austin.
Are You Hungry for Revival?
by Jill Austin
2 Chronicles 16:9 - For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.
Revival is not born out of mass movements but out of a series of solitary decisions.
Over the last several years, I have traveled to more churches and nations than I can count. Many have gathered together and called others to pray, fast and walk in unity. First, the meetings are packed by the mounting momentum of trying out new ideas. Then, slowly, the meetings dwindle down; one or two intercessors are the sole watchmen left on the wall. The faithful few glumly look around at the empty rows of chairs.
We get discouraged when we don't see others manifesting the same enthusiasm for revival that we have. We worry, "How can our city be transformed unless the pastor of that major church is involved and all the meetings are filled?" But I tell you, beloved, God is not focused on the empty chairs!
Rather, He is focused on the chairs that are filled! You are there. He has drawn you there. He is going to begin His work with you. Revival starts today. Revival starts with you.
He has hand-chosen you, before the foundations of the world, to embark on a journey into the fullness of your destiny. Do you want to be His voice rather than man's echo?
If so, will you return to Him as your first love? Remember, God must first set our hearts ablaze with radical passion for Jesus. Intimacy is what ignites revolution.
Is the presence of the living God fully taking up residence in your heart? If that has not happened, then why are you expecting that to happen in some kind of public meeting? Revival starts with you! Personal transformation must precede city transformation. Let a revolution begin today-and may it begin with you!
Prayer: Oh Lord, I ask that You would radically revolutionize me. Cause revival to burn so deeply in my heart that others can't help but be changed! Oh Lord, You are truly all I want! I love You and I want to know You more. Tenderize my heart again. I want to return to You as my first love. Where my heart has drifted and gotten lukewarm, return me back to You. God, I give you permission to do whatever it takes to make me wholly Yours. Set me on fire.
Yes, Lord set me on fire!
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