Greetings from Sioux Falls. I am on an afternoon break at the Baptist General Conference (BGC) "Prayer First" gathering. It is hosted by Faith Baptist Church. This is the first one I have been at in four years because I was in Boston at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for my D.Min.
The roots of these gatherings actually date back to around 1990 when Dana Olson and others in the Great Plains district had a heart to see a prayer movement among BGC pastors. Dana was the pastor at Trinity Baptist in Lincoln, NE and I was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Dannebrog, NE. The first gathering was at Harvey Oaks Baptist Church (where I am the pastor today). Dana (see his mug shot) is the director of "Prayer First" for he BGC
Last night we arrived for supper at 5:30 and worship began at 6:30. Greg Dirnberger led us in many songs of praise. There was a breakthrough in my own heart when we sang the Keith Green song: "There is a Redeemer". Up to that point, my heart wasn't 100% in it. But as we sang that song, my resistance to being there was over.
We then broke out into prayer. I estimate there are 40 to 50 of us. Many wives are there as well. They are led by Barbara Erickson.
The gathering will end tomorrow at lunch. The prayers and worship and testimonies have been powerful.
Lord make us desperate for you.
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