Hi: I will heading to the Prayer First Gathering in Sioux Falls in March. Information is below.
PRAYER FIRST gatherings
Prayer First Gatherings
For Pastors, Missionaries, Chaplains and Spouses
March 5-7, 17 Sioux Falls, SD
Inviting you to this years's PRAYER FIRST gatherings for pastors, missionaries and chaplains is a piece of cake. Do we need to pray? The tsunami killed over 100,00 people in Asia. Terrorism is wreaking havoc around the globe, with persecution of believers closely tied to it.
Closer to home, neighbors are lost without Christ , churches in conflict, a nation in cultural combat, divorce, abuse, drugs, alcohol, pornography...
Closer still, there is the struggle in our own hearts. The fight of faith, of hope, of purity, of love, of marriage and family - who is exempt from these things? Let him stay home. The rest of us need a couple days to worship, pray, and seek God's face together.
But in addition to this, please come to pray because of Fire&Reign -- a time of focus on spititual renewal called by our BGC President, Jerry Sheveland. All of this MUST be bolstered with fervent prayer, or it is a waste of time. Imagine trying to whip up the Holy Spirit's firepower for the spread of Christ's divine reign without prayer. Even the thought is embarassing.
Please make time in your schedule for these vitally important prayer gatherings. LEAD teams -- why not come together for the gathering? You absolutely will not regret it! How could we regret times of focused worship and prayer with our partners in the Greatest Work in All the World?
Dana Olson
director of PRAYER FIRST
Produced by Communications, Baptist General Conference
2002 S. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005
Please address comments or questions to: Gary Marsh.
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